As-Built Surveys & Reporting

Set a New Standard for Your As-Builts

Keltic's superior approach to as-builts and reporting sets a new standard in expectations for project turnover.  Our commitment to providing clear, timely as-builts sets us apart, ensuring a seamless handover with minimal guesswork. Choose Keltic for streamlined processes and project success

Quality As-Built Mapping and Comprehensive Reports Make a Difference

Project Documentation

Accurate as-builts and reports serve as essential project documentation, capturing the final state of the construction project.

Risk Management

Accurate documentation mitigates risks by providing a clear reference for understanding the construction details, reducing potential liability.

Environmental Impact Assessment

Accurate documentation helps in assessing the environmental impact of the construction, aiding in sustainable development practices.

Compliance Verification

As-builts ensure that the completed project aligns with the approved plans, helping verify compliance with regulations and codes.

Building Resilience

As-builts contribute to the resilience of a structure by providing information on load-bearing capacities and structural integrity.

Project Handover

As-builts facilitate a smooth project handover by providing the client with a comprehensive understanding of the completed construction.

Quality Control

Precise as-builts contribute to quality control by ensuring that the constructed elements meet the specified standards and requirements.

Cost Estimation for Future Projects

As-builts aid in estimating costs for similar future projects, offering valuable data on construction methodologies and materials.

Keltic Geomatics: Where Exceeding Expectations is our Standard.

Let Us Align Your Next Project With Success

Keltic has a proven track record of providing quality services across Canada to projects of all sizes and complexities